Jackson & Tucker, P.C. - 2229 First Avenue North, Birmingham, Alabama, 35203

Lawsuit Filed Stating Emergency Services were Negligent

The family of a woman from Memphis has filed a $5 million suit against the city claiming emergency services were negligent and that led to her death.

The accident happened on July 18, 2015, when 80 year old Lucille Grose was headed to Kroger. She had left a private driveway and driven onto Shelby Drive when her 2000 Mazda was hit on the driver’s side by a Ford pickup and she died at the scene.

The lawsuit claims that police and firefighters were negligent in their handling and investigation of the accident as they did not follow standard policies and procedures when they investigated the crash. It alleges that they did not obtain and record information, such as the names, addresses and phone numbers of witnesses along with cell phone recordings of the accident scene.

In addition to the authorities the suit is also filed against the driver of the pickup, Charles Stone, and the family says that no field sobriety test was carried out, and even though a witness says that the driver was speeding and driving recklessly no tickets were issued.

The lawsuit also goes on to allege that Memphis police have a history of poor accident reports and investigations in relation to fatal automobile accidents.

If you have been in an accident, the Memphis accident attorneys Jackson & Tucker, P.C., are here to help. Please do not wait until time runs out to take legal action. Call us today at (866) 252-3535 or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.